The brush will only move when the string is fully extended, which makes it easy to draw sharp corners. The longer the string, the less sensitive your brush stroke will be to digital jitter and shakiness of your hand. You can control how long the string is via the String Length parameter slider. It makes your brush behave like if it was attached to a piece of string that you can pull around. This mode is great for slow, detailed line work. The first mode option in the Position Smoothing section is called Pulled String.
If you want to know how to fine tune the program to get the most out of it, read on! The Subtle, Massive, and Pulled String presets are great starting points for most people.
If you don't feel like diving into all the settings, feel free to use one of the Smoothing presets that come installed with Lazy Nezumi Pro. Mice are also a lot less precise, so you will likely have to increase the smoothing amounts to get good results.

A tablet pen is pressure sensitive, which allows you to control the thickness and/or opacity of your lines. Lazy Nezumi Pro works with a mouse or a graphics tablet, but for best results, using a tablet is recommended. Then click on the arrow button next to the preset list to expand the UI and see all the different sections. While experimenting with the settings, you can create a new empty preset via the Presets/New menu. Whether you are doing a quick sketch, or working on meticulous line art, you will be able to find settings that will complement your style, and help you work faster. This tutorial will show you how to use Lazy Nezumi Pro's various smoothing options to get better looking lines.